Monday, April 11, 2011

Breast Cancer bracelets are coming

The fundraiser bracelets are being mailed out! Some of you could receive them sometime this week already.  And... I have an idea...

Will you email me a picture of yourself wearing your bracelet? I'd love to know how far my bracelets are going? I know one went to Canada. And others have gone all over the United States, with many staying close to here. So if you'd take a picture with yourself wearing your bracelet, and hold up a small sign telling us where you are from, we'll post your photo on my blog! Please will you? My kids would love to see where you all are from.  We've been amazed and completely overwhelmed with the response.  Plus I plan to print them out and collage them somehow, so would be so honored if all those near and far would help us with our mission!

Email the jpeg file of your photo to and I will post them to my blog.

How cute are these?  If you live in the FM area they may be coming to a door handle near you!  I understand there will be some info. tucked inside about the benefit and perhaps a treat or two.  Love hearing about all the things going on behind the scenes!!  May Day may take on whole new twist!

So now for some good news.  I will get randomized for one of three arms of the study today!  My brain MRI was CLEAN!  So if the 6 tubes of blood they took from my arm today are in normal ranges, I will be given the okay to start at 9 am.

But here is where I could use some help for all of my prayer warriors.  It would help me even more if I were to get randomly selected for the experimental arms of the study, versus the one arm that is standard treatment.  Standard treatment is still okay to do, but it could be all the more beneficial to be in the one with the new meds.  If there is one thing I know, admission into clinical trials may be random, but God isn't random in hearing our prayers.  Thank you.

One of my new blog loves, is Marion who blogs over at Joy and Wonder.  

She wrote the most exquisite post about Grace, and I am so honored she sees me in that light, but truly there is a big takeaway for everyone that reads it.  I highly encourage you to check her out, its a beautiful read, and not to be missed.  

Love and blessings to you all! 


  1. Why do you think we all keep coming back here, praying for you, and hugging you tight????? It's because grace is all sticky and sweet and we are all covered with it after being here!!!! LOVED that post of Marion's. Thank you for the link! Nothing better than down to earth, chew on this, nuggets of truth.

    I'm praying that every little minute detail of your treatment will be from Him. And oh, don't I remember that little verse that says, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. . ." Psalm 37:23. That means EVERY step!!! No mistakes, no mishaps, no off-track steps, etc.

    Thank you for a taste of grace today.

  2. Vicky! I want a bracelet! Will you send one to me:

    Lisa Knutson
    1190 Curtis Street
    Baldwin, WI 54002

    In fact, send me about 10 of them. I will do something special with them and send you a pic. :)

  3. Wonderful news concerning the MRI!

    Ordered my Bracelet Yesterday!!!

  4. VIcky...I want a bracelet! I never heard back whether or not I had to order it through that link, so I didn't....but PLEASE make sure to hang on to one for me.
    Yeah about your brain!

  5. A clear brain feels like really, really great news!

    I am so honored that you linked back to my blog. You are Grace, personified.

    Keeping good thoughts and prayers.


  6. WONDERFUL NEWS about the MRI!!!!

    YAY!!! That'a big deal! Amen.

    Love the bracelet idea -

  7. Rejoicing for the clean MRI ... and I'll need to order a bracelet!

  8. Blessings come in many ways! Glad your MRI was one!!!



  9. Good news like that will surely buoy you up to begin treatment. So much love, care and concern will accompany you.

  10. Vicky, you continue to amaze me, every since time, and the circle of friends near you, just as awe-inspiring. Thank you so much for going through the effort to share.

    I'm hoping for next week Vicky. Any chances? Or am I pushing my luck? If so, I could try Thursday. Let me know!

  11. Vicky I am thrilled for your MRI results. I will keep praying you get into that other study. I like the idea of posting the pictures from different places so your children can see. big hug being sent your way.

  12. Prayers on the the idea of seeing where the bracelets

  13. That's awesome about the MRI results! I can't wait to get my bracelet. Hugs :)

  14. Wishing you minimal side effects of chemo and a permanent cure soon. Loads of love

  15. Will do, Vicky, and PRAISE THE LORD AGAIN AND AGAIN FOR A CLEAN BRAIN MRI!!!!! Our church has been praying for you and I will be so glad to share this wonderful news. Love you!


I welcome what you have to say. Thanks for taking the time to grace me with your thoughts and words!

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