Both Liss at A Memory Forever and Missy at Is It Just Me? tagged me with this Premio Meme Award! The rules say to list 7 facts about myself and pass it on to 7 people. Thanks Liss, thanks Missy, its fun to be tagged and asked to play along!
- I have been jinxed on my birthday more times than I can remember. Either someone dies, like my great grandmother or John F. Kennedy Jr., or I am sick or injure myself. With my birthday coming next month I both love it and dread it all at once!
- 4 days before my birthday Rick and I will celebrate 12 years of marriage, although we officially started dating over 23 years ago... Uff da!
- This past May marks the 20th anniversary of my trip to Europe. I graduated from college on a Sunday and flew to London the very next day. I spent 6 weeks traveling with 28 other psychology students, through 7 countries: England, Russia, France, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and Germany. I've had the travel bug ever since.
- I have always loved going to school. I have my Master's Degree in Psychology but if I could afford it I'd go back and get my PhD.
- I have had the extreme honor and privilege to stay at home with the boys for 9 years now. I am both fearful and excited about beginning this next phase as both boys will be in school all day next year. I do have a possible short term job lined up and will reveal that at a later date... but after that... who knows?
- I am double jointed in my left thumb and my left hip. Aren't you excited to learn of that random useless info?
- I had no idea how much comic relief my boys would offer me daily. Upon hearing of Michael Jackson's death, Nolan said "On no, not Michael Jackson. Ohhhhh no. Oh no. "Pretty sad, huh Nolan?" "Yeah, he says, he was such a great BASKETBALL player and all." "Nolan, not Michael Jordan." "Oh," he says. "Who is Michael Jackson?"
Now to tag 7 others. Feel free to grab the "award" and pass it along if you'd like to play! I'll tag:
- Stephanie at Baseball and Tutus
- Jackie at A Teacher's Pet
- Robin at All Things Heart and Home
- Jill at Sneaky Momma
- Kaleena at McNabb Land
- Sara at Gitzen Girl
- Robynn at Robynn's Ravings