Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Its not about the book...

Would you believe me if I said these photos are from book club? Yep, for real. Coolest, book club, ever. What I've come to know about our group is that we are never at a loss for something to talk about, and yes, we even talk about books sometimes, or not.  So when the suggestion was made for a Friday afternoon book club meeting by the pool, it should be no surprise that we all jumped at the offer.  Even more surprising, I was able to attend as I've missed the last two meetings,  and all but 1 friend *cough* Amy, made it for the afternoon.

It was a mildly overcast day, just bright enough to make you squint, but not so hot you needed to cool off in the water.  The rain threatened off in the distance, but nothing dampened our spirits. We laughed, we ate tasty foods, laughed some more, and completely relaxed around the pool.

While the rest stayed through the night, I had to leave early to get Colton to baseball.  I so didn't want to leave.  Its one thing to have a group of women make you feel like a part of their group.  Its another thing to feel more than just accepted, and truly embraced and valued.

Back row, L to R: Shauna, our host, Heidi, Jill, Heidi, Jen.  Front row L to R: Suzanne, Nikki (who is definitely wearing clothes and allowing me the use of her knee to sit on) myself and Pam.


I have some exciting news to share in the next few days or so... stay tuned!  


  1. we used to have a group like this....we rarely discussed books and instead lived each other's lives and truly bonded....xo

  2. Sounds like it was a fun afternoon with a great bunch of friends!

    I hope your news is what I am thinking it is!!

  3. I love book clubs! And you're right...it's only sometimes about the book. I met one of my dearest friends through a book club. :)

  4. Vicky, what fun! And hey, if stories and words are what bring you together, that makes a lot of sense and is a great source of binding -- no pun intended, really! :) Yay for book clubs! I've never been involved in one but can imagine I'd love it if I were.

  5. You have a wonderful group there Vicky and you look great as well.
    Wonder what books you discussed ?

  6. What a perfect day.. and YOU, Vicky... look awesome.

    I am so excited for this news!!!...you're making us wait??

  7. You have the most supportive friends which tells me you are a wonderful friend as well ...

  8. You look wonderful, Vicky! What beautiful friends to hang out with. I'm looking forward to reading your news soon :)

  9. That DOES look like the best book club EVER!!!! Finally some sun to enjoy the day!

    Will wait excitedly for your news....

  10. That DOES look like the best book club EVER!!!! Finally some sun to enjoy the day!

    Will wait excitedly for your news....

  11. Wow, your book club knows how to have fun!


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