Sunday, January 2, 2011

Extreme Makeover Home Edition: our show airs at 7 tonight!

Tonight our community of Moorhead will be featured on Extreme Makeover Home Edition! Garrett Grommesh and his family were chosen to have their home "made over" and their story told through the show. I hope you will watch. There is a small chance you will see me in the beginning when the family walks down their driveway and Ty tells them where they are going on vacation. But really, you should watch because Garrett's personality is larger than life and you will love him right off. Plus the family and the way they choose to live their lives is very inspiring.  I can't wait!!

Yesterday I chose the word "alive" for my one word challenge, and it stemmed from the week and 1/2 I spent at the build site chronicling the building of the house. Between the energy on the site, the camaraderie of the cast and crew, and the huge outpouring of love in the spirit of the volunteers, how could you not feel very, very alive each day?



  1. Super pictures.

    Can't wait to see it tonight.

  2. I can never watch that show without crying. I'll have to grab some kleenex and check it out!

  3. Woo hoooooo!!!! Pass the popcorn, and I'll be looking for you, too, Vicky!

  4. We just watched the show. A truly amazing family. Garrett is a hero in so many ways.

    I was thrilled that I did see you!!

  5. I love this program....and I feel exactly like Megan (one of your commenters) feels...I can't watch it without a tissue. How wonderful that people are so kind and generous.
    GREAT photos, Vicky...:)))

  6. Watched it, loved it, bawled through a lot of it. I missed the very beginning Vicky. Daughter and I were on a Target run and all of a sudden it was a few minutes after 7 as we were pulling into our driveway, but we caught most of it, thankfully. I wouldn't have wanted to miss it. I interviewed Adair this summer for an article in "Today's Giving" and fell in love with her. That was before they were picked for this. Even though I was out of town at the time, I felt more a part of it after watching tonight. :)

  7. I saw you - and managed to get over to the TV to point you out to my DH and say, "That's my friend!"


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