Sunday, March 15, 2009


Have I said how proud we are of our high school hockey team? It seems we are destined for a record of one kind or another. Our school now boasts 7 second place finishes in the state hockey tournament. It just wasn't meant to be last night as we lost to Eden Prairie, 3-0. But we had one heck of a celebration party last night anyway. I will have to save my thoughts for another time as we are now packing up for the long drive home. We are going to a welcome home for the team back in our town. They need to know they are second in state but first in our hearts!


  1. HUGE CONGRATS for being a team who could be SECOND in the WHOLE STATE!!! I think that's amazing. No, I'm sure it wasn't the victory you were hoping for but you guys must be a heckuva team to be so good! Enjoy your celebrating and many blessings!

  2. That IS bittersweet, but much more sweet than bitter...

    I think the team is just waiting for a Colton and a Nolan to get big enough to take them that one extra game :)

  3. Go Spuds - Second place in NOTHING to be ashamed of!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congrats! Second in state is an accomplishment they can all be proud of!

  6. Congrats anyway. Second in State is a great achievement and gets everyone involved. I love sport for that reason, its unifying and gets people thinking of other things. Glad you celbrated! Next time.


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