Thursday, December 5, 2013

these are a few...

These are a few of my favorite things

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into springs
These are a few of my favorite things

I can't wait to see Carrie Underwood in a live performance tonight of "The Sound of Music," based on the broadway play.  Will anyone else be watching along with me?  I watched "The Making Of…"  last week and I am excited to see it.  I love that they fully acknowledge no one could ever remake the movie- and they are not attempting to do so.  

The summer  of 1989, I traveled to Europe with a group of about 30 from college.  We travelled to 7 different countries over the course of 5 weeks.  When we got a weekend off, 3 of us went alone to Salzburg on the train from Munich, for 3 days. 

The highlight of those 3 free days, had to have been our day long adventure with "Bob's Bavarian Alps Tour."  3 (cute) med students, an older pair of married tourists, and the 3 of us college students, in a van with a tour guide for the better part of a day.  The tour featured an outside view of the mansions where The Sound of Music was shot, the mountains, the lake, and other fun tidbits about the Von Trapp family, and the actors who played them.  

The tour ended and in a unanimous decision a pub crawl ensued that lasted into the wee hours of the morning.  Its where I learned "Prost" which is the equivalent to "cheers" in German, and the idea is to clink your mug heartily enough to spill part of your drink into anther's drink to prove nothing "harmful" has been added to the drink.  This was according to "Bob," the tour guide.  My German readers may be able to enlighten me further! 

The rest of these are my week in photos...

You know you are a hockey mom if… the sight of freshly cleaned hockey gear hanging from the bannister makes you smile. 

How did I get so lucky to have a blog reader find me who happens to live in Zurich, Switzerland- one of my favorite stops along our European adventure- and she travels to Munich- another favorite of mine- and sends me a postcard.  Thank you Susan! 

She also makes my mouth water with this from one of her favorite restaurants in Zurich... Oh how I would love to go!

The snow finally relented and the sun came out today- just in time.  Rick and Nolan are leaving for a hockey tournament in Roseau, MN- way up north from here.  Colton has his home tournament this weekend and I am staying here and working (hopefully.)  

I never know what might appear at the bottom of this bush at the mouth of the "cave."  Sometimes its a rabbit, a squirrel, or often its voles… yeeps- I am so not a mouse person. 

No tracks yet...

I can see this in my backyard from where I sit typing- except yesterday- the wind was blowing the falling snow so hard, it wasn't always visible.

Nolan's been home sick with a high fever for two days and 3 nights.  It finally broke late yesterday and he is acting more like himself today.  I've been trying to care for him without getting to close too him.  I spent the day yesterday "sanitizing," just about everything.  

It was in our bathroom that I finally figured out the culprit leaving clumps of hair everywhere.  My head has been unusually itchy- although no real signs of anything on my scalp.  I just so happened to catch a glance of myself with my hair flipped to one side- holy- baldness!  It's me!  I carefully sat parting my hair in different places and was shocked to see how much its thinned!  I'm lucky in that I have thick hair to begin with so it isn't too noticeable.  Let's just hope Tykerb is thinning the Her2 protein from cancer cells as much as its taking my hair!  


  1. It's always inspiring and heart-warming to see how you are able to embrace the ordinary, every-day things of life while in the midst of cancer treatments, their side-effects and all the uncertainty that must accompany your situation. Love that photo of the sun shining through the mounds of snow.

    1. So sweet of you Bonnie- I was perusing your art site yesterday and am equally inspired by the pieces being done by everyone! Someday I may have to try my own hand and jump in :) And yes- live the life we're given-just live. Its as simple as that, isn't it?

  2. I hope that's what's happening with the Tykerb, too!

    Those snow images are so beautiful, but I'm thankful they are in your yard. While they might make my home look better, people around here just don't know how to act with that stuff around. Good thing it doesn't happen too often.

    1. Yes- we definitely know how to do snow- boy do we ever :)

  3. Looks like you have even more snow than we do. It's good to see the blue sky for awhile again.

    1. So thankful for the blue sky Susan- so helpful when its not so grey from the top down :) Too bad it also means the temps will plummet because of it! Brrr...

  4. The snow is Gorgeous!

    Hey, thanks for the shout out! Your photo of the postcard makes it look twice as pretty!

    I love reading about your visit to Salzburg! Did you all have a "sing along" of songs from the Sound of Music in the bus? :-)

    Finally, so glad you have thick hair. God bless your head and all the rest of you :-)

    1. Susan- no- no singing in the van. From what I recall- the tour was interlaced with so many other facets that it wasn't strictly the Sound of Music spots all right together. It was interesting to see that they were all spread out miles and miles apart. God Bless you sweet friend!

  5. Hi sweet friend! I have missed you! I thought about you so much over my Thanskgiving!!
    I hope you have a great rest of the week and weekend - don't work too hard :)

    And I will be hoping right along with you about Tykerb kicking the Her2's butt!

    Love to you!!

    1. Tiffany- you friend- have been so on my heart! How are you sweetie? We need a Tiffany update when you are able! Love to you honey! xxoo

  6. Wow so much snow!!
    Sounds like your days are good for the most part and for that I am happy for you.
    I hope Tykerb kicks butt too

    Have a good day Vicky

    1. My days are cyclical- The tykerb seems to build in my system and then I have a string of days that are really hard- but then after I've had a few days of lots of side effects and I take my meds and get them under control, I have some fairly good days with minimal side effects and it helps till those drugs wear off and I start all over again :) Hope YOU have a good day!

  7. Looks like Old Man Winter is already making his presence known in Minnesota! Hubby and girls have had nasty colds all week! I, like you, have been sanitizing everything. I really don't want that cold!!! I love "The Sound Of Music". I'll have to watch it tonight! Love and hugs.

    1. Oh so sorry to hear about the colds- they can be so daunting to recover from- I pray they recover soon and you manage to stay healthy. I loved knowing you were watching along with me last night!

  8. Counting the minutes til Sound of Music!!! I know every word of every song!!! If it makes you feel any better... I'm going bald too and I'm not on any meds...

    1. You and me both Katie! No- neither you or I should be going bald!! Hehe! I do know Nioxin really works for me though- but I'll bet you've tried it already :)

  9. Wow, you have a lot of snow. I think I'd rather have your snow instead of our ice and snow. The subzero temperatures are a real wake-up call to winter. Sure hope Nolan is feeling better. Everyone seems to be sick right now. Please stay healthy my friend.

    1. Yes, its mostly snow- we do have some ice that of course gets formed under the snow on the roads- but that is normal. Nolan has rebounded and was able to go with his Dad yesterday out of town- but others are getting it now- it seems to be going around.

  10. Vicky, beautiful photos! The one of the sun sparkling through caught my breath. There are many good ones. I was hoping the Sound of Music was a movie, but was it just a TV special? I hope I can it it sometime. S of M is one of my favs and I am so jealous you got that tour in Europe! That would have been the best use of "time off" in my book too! Loving you from across the river...

    1. Sound of Music is a fave of mine too- it goes way back :) The songs took me right back and I enjoyed seeing a bit different variation of the story last night. It makes me want to see the play version if it ever is on Broadway again! Loving you right back from across the river!

  11. So sweet of you Robin- thank you! Yes- feeling lucky I can pull hair over to just the right place and cover it up!! I'm glad you got to come and enjoy our snow- I hope to get out to shoot some more when it warms back up a bit. It went way below zero and I'm praying my car will start this morning! I didn't plug it in and the battery may be toast… sigh… we will see!

  12. Ohhhh, so much snow! I LOVE how it looks piled up on the trees.

    I'm looking forward to the Sound of Music Live as well, although we DVR'd it and are going to watch it tonight with the kids.

    Well, boo to the hair falling out in clumps although I'm glad you have some to spare. ;) Yep, here's hoping it's working as well on the cancer as it is your hair!

  13. Dearest Vicky,
    It is one degree here in Spokane. On this cold, cold morning we took a short outdoor adventure and were a bit like children who are giddy when they can see their breath. I am now back inside and sitting by the glowing fire, sipping hazelnut coffee.

    Thank you for this wonderful post and sharing your memories of travels from long ago, and pictures of your soft piles of snow. Thanks too for reminding me about "my favorite things". I LOVE the Sound of Music and almost any old musical from days gone by. I am amazed at what we both have in common. :)

    You have been in my heart this past week and I've felt God's whisper as I've prayed for you.
    I wanted to share what comes coming up. Here it is:

    No matter what is in store and in all of the celebrations and valleys...
    * May you know God's peace and feel His Almighty presence
    * May you know how beautiful you are, inside and out, no matter how much hair you have
    * In the roughest moments, may you know ALL is well.
    * In the most joyful moments, may you know He is always there beside you
    * May every day be an opportunity to learn, grow and choose JOY!

    Thank you for being such a blessing in my life.
    Loves and hugs, dear friend!
    Your friend,

  14. The sound of music was always a favorite..I fancied myself as being...just being one of them and singing and dancing...I however heard about it...and couldn't see it!!! I have no TV were our 5th wheal is will they make re-runs??? sigh... Ok about the hair...I would like to be positive here and go on and on...BUT oh my if I was to loose my hair... I would so not look good..I have a notty head...from accidents in childhood...and unlike you...very fine and thin hair...oh Vicky I hope this turns around for you...ya ya ya its only hair...But its YOUR hair!!! you "SWEET' lady have angels watching over you...dont forget that! you have such grace! prayers and love...and more love and yes just a little more!!!

  15. Love your snowy landscape (she says from sunny California and realizes how LITTLE she knows about the difficulty of said landscape!). So sorry Nolan was sick but glad you took care of him - AND yourself - and did all the sanitizing things. I can't TELL you how often we have avoided bugs by quarantining and sanitizing and when I don't, I can just count on catching it. I pray with you that the Tykerb causing all this hair loss is doing a number on the enemy as well. Love to you, Vicky.


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